Casas da Noruega takes gold in Sandarcupen for the second year

Foto Casas da Noruega Foto Casas da Noruega

The boys from Casas da Noruega have backed up their performance from last year and defended their title as Sandarcupen champions in 2017. Coming away with 26 scores in a total of six matches, the Brazilian players won Fristad/Sparör (5-0) in the big final last week.

Sandarcupen was held from Friday 11th to Sunday 13th in Sandefjord (92 km Southwest from Oslo).  In 2017, the tournament registered a participant record: 771 teams of boys and girls from 8 to 19 years old competed in the event.

Check out the team's performance in the championship:
Aug 12th:
Casas da Noruega x Trond 2 (5-0)
Casas da Noruega x Grand Bodø G19 (3-0)
Casas da Noruega x Tjølling (3-0)
 Aug 13th:
Casas da Noruega x Aurskog-Finstadbru G19 (4-0)
Casas da Noruega x Lindeberg Sportsklubb (6-0)
Casas da Noruega x Fristad/Sparsör (5-0)

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