The technical staff and players of Casas da Noruega will arrive in Oslo next week on July 28 and play the first match on Sunday, July 30, against the Norwegian team Farsund.
The group, led by captain Gleidson and couches Jair Ferreira and Gilson Ferreira, departs at Galeão airport in Rio de Janeiro to the Norwegian capital on the night of Thursday, July 27. There are three scheduled matches, all of which are played with local teams: the first game will be against Farsund on 30 July at 12:00, on the Ekeberg pitch. 30 The second match will be on Monday 31 July at 12:00 against the Ørn Horten team at the Kringsjå field, 1. And the third game will be on Tuesday, August 1st at 6:30 p.m. at Ekeberg Field, 29, against Tynset.
Our team is composed by: Claudio dos Santos, Douglas de Mello, Esthevan Moreira, Gleison Francisco, Gleiciano Gomes, Gleidson Pinheiro, João de Mattos, Lucas de Souza, Lucas dos Santos, Marcos Vinícius Pereira, Filipe da Silva, Renan de Faria, Pedro Henrique de Lima, Carlos Eduardo Martins, Rodolfo da Silva, Yan de Oliveira, Jacson da Silva and Luiz Felipe Freixo.
Entrance is free and accessible by public transport (follow the next news with maps and itineraries of subway, tram and bus), as well as parking on site.
If you are in Oslo during the Norway Cup, and want to join the group as a volunteer, send us an email: All support and help are welcome!
For those who are away and want to check out the games and news, follow our Facebook page and our Instagram account (we are doing stories and direct live of the event!)
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