2017 > 07

With only five days for the first match, the Brazilian team from the social project Casas da Noruega share the expectations of traveling to Oslo and playing the biggest youth soccer tournament in the world. In addition to the great goal of returning with the gold, this will be the first experience outside of Brazil for most players. "They are very excited, wanting to get to know Norway soon: for many it is a dream come true," says the player and the team's captain Gleidson Bernardo Pinheiro (photo).

This is the second time that Gleidson visits Norway. The first time was last year when he helped the team to be the great champion in the Norway Cup. On Thursday, July 28, the team travels to Oslo and make their league debut on Saturday, July 30, against the local team Farsund. "The players of the team have an idea that Norway is a beautiful and very organized country. When they think of the country, they picture a place full of surprises and I'm sure they will find everything wonderful", promises.

In total there are 18 players who travel this week, 10 of them will debut the passport. "It's the first country I travel outside of Brazil and I'm very anxious to meet. What comes to my mind when thinking about Norway is that it is a very interesting country, the culture is different from Brazil", explains midfielder Renan Azevedo de Faria (18).

When asked what they are going to bring special in the suitcase, the captain says there will be plenty of joy and great football. Gleidson guarantees that their are focused on being champions. "With the union of the group we will play hard," he says.

The Norway Cup is the largest football competition in the world for children and young people from 10 to 19 years of age. Since the start of the event in 1972, the tournament has already registered 420 teams and 8,400 participants. Over the years, participants, players and referees from 126 countries participated in the games. Last year was the first time the Norwegian Houses team competed. In 2017, the event will be held between July 29 and August 5 in Oslo.

About the NGO

The non-governmental organization Casas da Noruega has been working with social and educational projects in the local community of Bancários, in Rio de Janeiro, for eight years. Among its activities, the NGO organizes soccer training for boys and girls as pedagogical support of the school that administers .

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The technical staff and players of Casas da Noruega will arrive in Oslo next week on July 28 and play the first match on Sunday, July 30, against the Norwegian team Farsund.

The group, led by captain Gleidson and couches Jair Ferreira and Gilson Ferreira, departs at Galeão airport in Rio de Janeiro to the Norwegian capital on the night of Thursday, July 27. There are three scheduled matches, all of which are played with local teams: the first game will be against Farsund on 30 July at 12:00, on the Ekeberg pitch. 30 The second match will be on Monday 31 July at 12:00 against the Ørn Horten team at the Kringsjå field, 1. And the third game will be on Tuesday, August 1st at 6:30 p.m. at Ekeberg Field, 29, against Tynset.

Our team is composed by: Claudio dos Santos, Douglas de Mello, Esthevan Moreira, Gleison Francisco, Gleiciano Gomes, Gleidson Pinheiro, João de Mattos, Lucas de Souza, Lucas dos Santos, Marcos Vinícius Pereira, Filipe da Silva, Renan de Faria, Pedro Henrique de Lima, Carlos Eduardo Martins, Rodolfo da Silva, Yan de Oliveira, Jacson da Silva and Luiz Felipe Freixo.

Entrance is free and accessible by public transport (follow the next news with maps and itineraries of subway, tram and bus), as well as parking on site.

If you are in Oslo during the Norway Cup, and want to join the group as a volunteer, send us an email: marianna@cdn-brasil.no All support and help are welcome!

For those who are away and want to check out the games and news, follow our Facebook page and our Instagram account (we are doing stories and direct live of the event!)

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A group of teenagers between the ages of 18 and 19 in Rio de Janeiro is training since December last year to represent the social project Casas da Noruega in the biggest youth soccer tournament in the world. The event will be held by the end of July, in Oslo. The NGO (non-governmental organization) has been working with social and educational projects in the local community of Bancários (Rio de Janeiro) since 2009 and one of the activities is the soccer training for boys and girls as pedagogical support of the school.

In 2016, the male team of Casas da Noruega debuted in Norway Cup and was the big champion of the competition. This year, the team will compete with ten new players in the Norwegian capital between July 29 and August 5, led by captain Gleidson Bernardo, 18 (center in the first row). "We are all ready for this challenge", Jair Ferreira, responsible of the NGO for the football project.

The Norway Cup is the largest football competition in the world for children and young people from 10 to 19 years old. Since the start of the event in 1972, the tournament has already registered 420 teams and 8,400 participants. Over the years, participants, players and referees from 126 countries participated in the games. 

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The Brazilian team Casas da Noruega is training hard since December and reharsing the final strategies before flying to compete in Norway Cup. After winning the championship last year, the boys are ready to fight for the second gold.  

In total, there are 18 players of whom 8 were part of the group in Norway Cup in 2016.  According to the coach Jair Ferreira, the group expects a very competitive championship and believes it will be more difficult to play in the current champion position since every team will compete as if they were in a championship final against our team.  "However, our group is very focused on the goal and we are going to keep our feet on the ground and respect our adversaries", concludes. 

Norway Cup is the largest soccer competition in the world for children and young people aged 10 to 19 years old. Norway Cup is organized by Bækkelagets Sportklub and it all started in 1972 with 420 teams and 8,400 participants. Overall through the years, participants, players and referees from 126 nations have participated. Last year was the first time that a team from Casas da Noruega attend the event. In 2017, the event will be held between July 29 and August 5, in Oslo.

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The athletics summer games in Norway was a fantastic experience for Casas da Noruega and it ended up with 3 medals for the Brazilian group.  Anna Júlia got the silver medal in 60mts while the boys finished in 2nd and 3nd in 4/60mts.

The competition called Veidekkelekene (in Norwegian) started on 22/6  in Lillehammer. This is the first time that the Brazilian team Casas da Noruega is joining the youth athletics competition. The story behind the #veidekkelekene also brought attention from the local media:  Brazilian dream of girl and boys competing in Norway was subject of an article in the newspaper!

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Av totalt innsamlede midler går 93,6% til prosjektarbeidet vårt i Rio de Janeiro. 
Kun 6,4% går til administrasjon og til å skaffe nye inntekter.

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