2017 > 01

Every year Casa da Noruega distributes clothing for children in Rio (Brazil) as part of the holidays activities. The first part of the distribution was held by the NGO last weekend in Bancários, among 50 families of the community. Next week, there will be two more days that will count on the distribution of clothes and food directly to the disabled and elderly in the community

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We are launching a new website for Casas da Noruega very soon. The new portal will be constantly updated with news from our headquarters in Norway and our team in Brazil. Here you will find information about our educational projects, our sport trainings as well as donation campaigns and volunteer vacancies.
All the content will be integrated with our social media channels. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn .

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Since December 2016, Casas da Noruega has a new activity: a team of 16 boys and girls from the our social project started training athletics in Rio de Janeiro. The goal is to attend the summer games in Lillehammer, Norway. The tournament is called Veidekkelekene and it will held in June 2017.
We are currently training four different categories, all under the expert guidance of the coach of Glayce Nobre (in the picture, second from right to left). There are 8 boys and 8 girls born in the year 2003 and 2004. The group will compete in the following activities: Jump, Race 60 meters, Race 100 meters, Race 600 meters and relay 4x60 meters.

Meanwhile, we are looking for sponsors and supporters who can help us make this dream possible. Do you know some business leaders with big heart, so please contact us: tom@cdn-brasil.no

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The main soccer team of the social project Casas da Noruega took home the trophy of Norway Cup to Bancários, Rio de Janeiro. The community boys' team defeated the Norwegian team Hillingdal on penalties on 8 August in Oslo, Norway. The tournament is the largest youth soccer championship in the world. This is the first time that a team from Casas da Noruega attend the event.

The coach and main name behind the team, Jair Ferreira, explains the importance of this victory for the social project. "Is a great milestone for our work with the youth of the community, and to think that a team of Bancários traveled to Europe and won the championship of this size, is a great joy and achievement for us. It is both learning and life time experience. "

The sport project is a great ally for the kids and teenagers in the community. The trainings are a big motivation for children and young people to attend classes at school and learn about collectivity, responsibility and inclusion, for example. In 2017, Casas da Noruega has a total of 4 categories trainings for boys and girls, a total of 250 children and young people. 

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Av totalt innsamlede midler går 93,6% til prosjektarbeidet vårt i Rio de Janeiro. 
Kun 6,4% går til administrasjon og til å skaffe nye inntekter.

Ett tillfälligt fel har uppstått med Instagramflödet. Var vänlig försök igen senare.